Wir in Arnsberg is Pod of the Month!

Congratulations Wir in Arnsberg Pod for being ‘Pod of the Fortnight’ – you’ve made 1400 morsbags to date, so we asked you these questions:

1) Who is in your pod?
We are about three women, who regularly meet to sew morsbags.  We meet in a kind of ‘drop in centre’, where people can come to with their sewing problems so there is a varying number of  sewers who attend. On average we are about 5 – 8 morsbaggers who meet.


2) When/where do you sew morsbags?
As mentioned above, we meet at a kind of open place once a week. Sometimes twice a week with a special morsbags workshop. It´s based at the local train station.


3) Where did you first hear about morsbags?
I heard about morsbags from my friend Angela who has been sewing morsbags for some years.


4) Did you think about your use of plastic bags before?
Yes. We’ve been interested in saving the environment and helping nature for a long time 🙂 We’ve always been interested in great projects like Clean Ocean etc.  – it was just a question of time getting in touch with the idea of morsbags.


5) What type of sewing machine/s do you use?
We use sewing machines of several different brands.


 6) What was the most unusual or satisfying thing you’ve made a morsbag out of?
We love to make morsbags out of men’s shirts.


7) Who was your first bagging victim?
Of course the family was completely equipped with morsbags 🙂 followed by neighbours and friends. Besides this, morsbags are given to the owners of shops in our town and they give them to their customers. Our “marketing-organisation” of the shops pays the morsbags-labels. In every morsbag the customers find the explanation of the idea of the morsbags.


8) What’s been your finest morsbag moment?
It’s always a pleasure to look into surprised faces of strangers or our customers, giving them morsbags free at the supermarket´s cash desks or in our shops.


9) Who would you like to guerilla bag most? (dead or alive)
Those people who produce plastic bags, to give them an idea of what else to do with the lots of money spending for producing those unfriendly bags!
1) Wer ist in eurem Pod?
 Die Initiative des Morsbag-Nähens wurde von unserer Werbegemeinschaft “Wir in Arnsberg” ins Leben gerufen. Wir sind 3 Frauen, die sich regelmäßig treffen, um Morsbags zu nähen. Wir nähen in einer öffentlichen “Nähstube”, in die Menschen kommen können, um sich bei ihren Nähproblemen helfen zu lassen. Im Durch-schnitt sind wir 5 – 8 Personen.


2) Wann/wo näht ihr Morsbags?
 Wie oben erwähnt, treffen wir uns einmal wöchentlich in einer Nähstube im städtischen Bürgerzentrum am hiesigen Bahnhof. Manchmal zweimal wöchentlich mit einem speziellen Morsbag-Workshop.


3) Wo hast du zum ersten Mal von Morsbags gehört?
Ich habe Morsbags durch meine Freundin Angela kennengelernt, die seit Jahren diese Taschen näht und verschenkt.


4) Hast du schon früher über deine Verwendung von Plastiktaschen nachgedacht?
Ja. Wir sind schon seit langer Zeit daran interessiert, der Umwelt zu helfen. Das Projekt “Säubert den Ozean” fanden wir z. B. toll, so dass es nur eine Frage der Zeit war, dass wir mit der Idee der Morsbags in Berührung kamen.


5) Welche Art von Nähmaschinen benutzt ihr?
Wir nutzen Nähmaschinen von verschiedenen Marken.


6) Was war das ungewöhnlichste oder beste Material, aus dem ihr eine Morsbag genäht habt?
 Wir lieben es, aus alten Herrenhemden Morsbags zu nähen.


7) Wer war dein erstes Taschen-Opfer?
Natürlich meine Familie, die komplett mit Morsbags ausgestattet wurde, gefolgt von Nachbarn und Freunden. Außerdem verteilen wir die Morsbags an Händler in unserer Stadt, die Taschen an ihre Kunden verschenken. Unsere Werbegemeinschaft “Wir in Arnsberg” bezahlt die Morsbag-Etiketten. In jeder Tasche finden die Kunden eine Beschreibung der Morsbag-Idee.


8) Was war dein schönster Morsbag Moment?
Es ist immer eine große Freude, in die überraschten Gesichter von Fremden an der Supermarkt-Kasse oder von Kunden bei uns in den Geschäften zu schauen, wenn man ihnen eine Morsbag schenkt.


9) Wem würdest du am liebsten eine Guerilla-Tasche geben?
Den Menschen, die Plastiktaschen produzieren, damit sie eine Idee bekommen, was man sonst mit der Menge an Geld machen könnte, die für das Produzieren dieser umweltschädigenden Taschen ausgegeben wird.

Bude Baggers is Pod of the Month!

Congratulations Bude Baggers for being ‘Pod of the Fortnight’ – you’ve made 1400 morsbags to date, so we asked you these questions:

1) Who is in your pod?

We have 35 members

2) When/where do you sew morsbags?

We meet once a month at my house, there’s usually between 4 and 10 of us at our get togethers. People sew bags at home inbetween get togethers, and a couple of members also have bagmaking get togethers with a few of their friends as well

3) Where did you first hear about morsbags?

I saw Claire on BBC breakfast programme in 1997

4) Did you think about your use of plastic bags before?

Yes, I was already using re-useable bags, but wasn’t aware of the scale of the problem

5) What type of sewing machine/s do you use?

I use a Singer electric, other people in the pod have different makes

6) Please give 3 adjectives to describe your first morsbag.

Slow to create!

7) What was the most unusual or satisfying thing you’ve made a morsbag out of?

I made some bags out of cotton kaftans given to me by an elderly lady, who had worn them a long time ago when she lived in the middle east with her husband, who had since died. I gave her a couple of the bags I’d made and she almost cried with happiness at being able to see her kaftans again, and to use them every day, because it gave her lots of happy memories

8) Who was your first bagging victim?

My neighbour (I wasn’t brave enough to hand one to a stranger in those days!)

9) What’s been your finest morsbag moment?

The first get together I organised, because I’d spent years as a solitary bagmaker, so it was wonderful to finally have other people to make bags with!

10) Who would you like to guerilla bag most? (dead or alive)

Someone ridiculously famous and cool, like Lady GaGa, who’d be photographed with her bag all the time and so give morsbags tons of publicity!


I got my pod in Bude going by taking bags along to a local beach clean, to give out to the volunteers. One of them suggested I start a Facebook page, which has proved vital for my pod to grow. Virtually all my pod members are local people on facebook, people post on the page almost every day, photos of bags they’ve made etc, and I use it to give dates of get togethers and so on. So our facebook page is integral to our pod working and flourishing.

I also have a continuing close connection with the beach cleaning group, as our aims complement each other, a good number of pod members have joined through being given a bag at a beach clean.

Next Handout on May 4th

The idea is to sew like billy-o to make as many lovely morsbags to hand out as possible – perhaps organise a local group for courage, support and joy, and hand out free morsbags to locals.  A sort of ‘Pay it forward’ – ‘Random Act of Kindness’ idea as morsbags are always given out for FREE. Wait ’til you see how much people appreciate being given a lovingly handmade bag to use over and over…

You can:

  • bag your local corner shop
  • bag a local restaurant
  • bag a whole street by posting through letterboxes
  • bag a theatre
  • bag a bus
  • bag your entire family
  • bag the local school

The possibilities are endless and it’s up to YOU, wherever YOU are!


Charnwood Pod doing brilliantly!

Charnwood Pod say: “We gave bags to the Community Opportunities Team, who work with adults with profound learning disability. They were very pleased to receive them. They are going to decorate them and use them for their craft/actitivity and have promised pictures.
Today’s bags: There were 3 of us and we made 4 bags each which was a record for all of us, there was smoke coming from those machines, especially Denise Irish’s as she made one in 15 minutes!”
Way to go Charnwood Pod!

Action in Alsager today 26th September

Sewing unplugged!Tracy is making morsbags with her little old hand crank sewing machine outside the coop in Alsager RIGHT NOW!

All set up and sewing away – come and say hi — at

19-23 Lawton Road Alsager ST7 2AA

Butterfly Bags is Pod of the Month

Congratulations Butterfly Bags for being ‘Pod of the Month’ – you’ve made a fab 520 morsbags to date, so we asked you these questions:

1) Who is in your pod?

It is basically me. I  have a few friends who come to visit sometimes and make bags whilst we drink tea and chat. Also, 5 (out of the 6) of my children have made at least 1 bag each. I will get the youngest one sewing soon.

2) When/where do you sew morsbags?

I am lucky enough to have a sewing room at home so most of my sewing is done there. As I live in Leicester, I go to our fabulous morsroom most weeks and help out at events.

3) Where did you first hear about morsbags?

I first heard about morsbags when there was an event at our local Environment Centre. I didn’t actually go to the event but looked at the morsbags website and made one at home. When I saw there was going to be another event at the Environment Centre, I went along. We still have events there now.

4) Did you think about your use of plastic bags before?

I didn’t really give plastic bags much thought before. I think I did try and use bags for life but it wasn’t something I felt that strongly about until I discovered morsbags and read up on it.

5) What type of sewing machine/s do you use?

I use a Brother sewing machine. It is the same as the ones that we use in Leicester for our events. I also have a beautiful old Singer treadle machine that belonged to my husband’s grandmother but I’ve never actually sewn with it.

6) Please give 3 adjectives to describe your first morsbag.

My first morsbag was wonky, functional and inspiring!

7) What was the most unusual or satisfying thing you’ve made a morsbag out of?

The most satisfying thing I’ve made a morsbag from was my oldest son’s old space print curtains. I made him the curtains when he was about 6 (he is now 17). I recently used them to make small morsbags for my youngest son’s party bags. Giving all the children at the party little morsbag made all the Mums ask about them and I bagged them too!

8) Who was your first bagging victim?

My first bagging victim was my Mum.

9) What’s been your finest morsbag moment?

I would like to confess about my morsbag diary. I am not a particularly organised person but from day 1, I have kept a list of every morsbag I have made. I know when, where and what fabric it was made from and who (or what event) I gave it to.  It may seem a little obsessive but I’m really glad i have kept this record.

I’m very proud to be part of the morsbag family. We are very fortunate in Leicestershire that we have Rosie (Offcuts) who is so passionate about the cause that she motivates, organises and encourages so many morsbag events and opportunities. I have met and become friends with people that I wouldn’t have met if it wasn’t for morsbags. I love going to events, taking part in handouts and spreading the morsbag word.


October Handout

People have been ordering labels like mad – so are you ready for the next handout in October?

We’ve chosen Sunday 26th of October….

The idea is to sew like billy-o to make as many lovely morsbags to hand out as possible – perhaps organise a local group for courage, support and joy, and hand out free morsbags to locals

You can:

  • bag your local library
  • bag a local car park
  • bag dog walkers
  • bag a cinema
  • bag a care home
  • bag your neighbours
  • bag your Facebook friends

The possibilities are endless and it’s up to YOU, wherever YOU are!

If you fancy joining in, give us, and your local radio/newspaper, a shout. Email, or write here to say that you’re IN and see what people in other areas are doing…

Superstar Competition….

Is there a superstar you adore from afar, a memorable teenage crush, a singer, a dancer, a rock and roller, a Great British Sewing Bee contestant, a sportsperson, a reality TV star that makes you want to scream?…. Basically if there is anyone in the public eye you can use to inspire you to make a celebrity themed morsbag – then you could be in with a chance of winning a fantastic prize, AND making a SUPER morsbag!

Please post photos of your superstar creations by midnight on the 15th of June. Even if you don’t win (or even if you do!), perhaps your super duper morsbag can be given away to the celebrity you were inspired by (unless they’re no longer alive) so enjoy the planning and sewing… Good luck!



We had a really successful handout in March – well done everyone! So are you ready for the next handout in May?

We’ve chosen Monday 26th of May and thought it’d be a great way to give everyone something jolly to do on their Bank Holiday!

The idea is to sew like mad to make as many lovely morsbags to hand out as possible – perhaps organise a local group for courage, support and joy, and hand out free morsbags to locals

You can:

  • bag your local library
  • bag a local car park
  • bag dog walkers
  • bag a cinema
  • bag a care home
  • bag your neighbours
  • bag your Facebook friends

The possibilities are endless and it’s up to YOU, wherever YOU are!

If you fancy joining in, give us, and your local radio/newspaper, a shout. Email, or write here to say that you’re IN and see what people in other areas are doing…