We get lots of lovely emails asking for more info on morsbags, so here’s an overview:

Morsbags are strong, reusable, recycled, unique bags made from textiles otherwise destined for landfill and given away for free to replace plastic bags. Over 500,000 morsbags (potentially replacing over 273 million plastic bags) have been made by volunteers in nearly 3000 pods in 30 countries, by schools, community payback schemes, students, Guides, in synagogues, churches and mosques, elderly groups, fabulous individuals and even King Charles! – and then given away to shoppers, strangers, food banks, libraries and community centres for free.
It’s a ‘pay it forward’, random act of kindness idea and has entirely spread by the labels on the bags and word of mouth. Morsbags are so much more sustainable than newly produced ‘bags for life’ which commonly use new materials such as cotton (pesticide and fertiliser pollution, uses and pollutes huge amounts of water etc) and then are transported across the world. Morsbags are made locally from material already produced.
10’s of 1000’s of people have learnt to sew, made friends and feel part of something positive (this was especially apparent during the pandemic when we had a lot of messages from people struggling with mental health who were grateful to be involved with a creative and positive community) and as the morsbags community has grown, the stories have flooded in; of people of all ages learning new skills, mental health improvement, rehabilitation programmes, bereavement help, dementia help, food banks, of memories jogged due to fabric use, of cake being shared, of hope and fulfilment in communities becoming connected.
The morsbags community is based on kindness, creating and a conviction that we can make a difference, especially for the whales and sea creatures who mistake plastic bags for lunch.