Firework Morsbag!
Sewvember Big Morsbags!
Uniform bags needed for nurses at UHCW!
Are there any morsbaggers in Coventry who could help provide uniform bags to nurses at UHCW Trauma and Orthopaedic ward? A nurse called Gail has asked on their behalf and said that any bags would be gratefully received. Thank you!
UPDATE: All sorted within 20 mins – wonderful morsbagger Nancy is making and sending 👊😍
Harborough Pod being thanked by the NHS for all their hard work :)
Well done Harborough Pod – it’s wonderful that all your hard work is making a difference. You rock! 💪🌈😘
SOCIABLE morsbagging
Sociable Guerilla Bagging is our tagline, so when we saw this heartwarming and true forum thread, we thought we’d share…
Hetty, a newish morsbagger in America said “I realized this morning at the grocery store that making morsbags and handing them out can create unexpected friendships. I offered one to the lady behind me in line, and she said, sure, you offered me one the other day too! And we ended up having a conversation about how she feeds stray cats and how I am from Europe…. What a bonus in this day and age!!”
Then Beattie, a morsbagger in Cornwall replied “We’ve found that morsbagging helps make friends too! I think it attracts lovely people in the first place, plus it gives you a reason to open a conversation with people you don’t know. Sewing together is a great meeting point and having company if you’re handing out morsbags in the street (the original distribution concept) makes it more fun.”
Anyone else had friendly, sociable interactions through morsbagging?
German Resources
🇩🇪Wir haben in den letzten Wochen einige Tausend Morsbag-Etiketten (labels) an deutsche Pods geschickt. Deutschland wird in 2020 wie verrückt Morsbags nähen! 😀👍🇩🇪
Die wunderbare Ursel vom Pod „Die Nähdamen“ aus Neuenburg am Rhein hat uns geschrieben und uns einige Dokumente zur Verfügung gestellt. Sie schrieb: „Für manche Deutsche, besonders die älteren, ist es ziemlich schwierig, sich auf einer englischen Homepage zu Recht zu finden oder ein englische Anleitung zu benutzen. Deshalb habe ich eine Information mit einer auf deutsch übersetzten Anleitung erstellt. Zudem haben wir einen Infomationszettel zum Einlegen in die Morsbags und Anhänger (bag tags) neu gestaltet.“
Vielen Dank, Ursel! 😘
Wenn Du also diese Dokumente brauchst oder jemanden kennst, der sie gebrauchen kann, findest Du sie auf unserer Service-Seite (resources page):
Epic shirt morsbag!
This is from a while ago but Julia from Bobbinsnbuttons pod in Leicester made a competition morsbag from a shirt and it is just so brilliant, we felt we had to share!
Morsbags hand-out at Two Oceans Aquarium in Cape Town 25th of Jan
Huge morsbags handout at Two Oceans Aquarium in Cape Town on 25th of January @ 11am… anyone able to drop by and support? It looks amazing!! 🐳🐠🐟🐋
Perfect cutting-out weather in the UK…
It’s the perfect weather for cutting out morsbags… ☔️🌬