
We haven’t had a coordinated handout for a while – and it’s TIME!

We’ve chosen Saturday 25th of January and thought it’d be a great way to give everyone a boost in the New Year!

The idea is to sew like mad to make as many lovely morsbags to hand out as possible – perhaps organise a local group for courage, support and joy, and hand out free morsbags to locals wherever you are in the world……

You can:

…bag shops or supermarkets

…bag a park full of walkers

…bag a whole street by posting through letterboxes

…bag a cinema queue

…bag a train carriage

…bag the contents of your address book

…bag a local event e.g jumble sale, bingo….

The possibilities are endless and it’s up to YOU, wherever YOU are!

If you fancy joining in, give us, and your local radio/newspaper, a shout. Email, or write here to say that you’re IN and see what people in other areas are doing…

‘Rocbags’ pod (Robert Owen Communities –ROC- which is a charity giving opportunities to adults with learning disabilities) handing out morsbags on a previous handout in Cornwall.

‘I bag you’ pod ready with beautifully packaged morsbags for a previous handout in Germany.

A horse being bagged by ‘Offcuts’ pod on a previous handout in Leicestershire.