Day 30 of Sewvember

Morsbags Sewvember DAY 30 – Ocean Themed bag mini challenge

From the wonderful Tracy “Today is the final day of morsbags Sewvember 2019. It sees us going back to the original catalyst for making morsbags with an optional mini challenge to make a bag with a marine theme.

My offering for today is a plain curtain lining bag with a bit of ink stamping on it.

I’m looking forward to seeing today’s bags, themed or otherwise, but I also want to thank each and everyone who has participated in morsbags sewvember.

I know I’ve really enjoyed seeing the bags you’ve all made with such dedication and creativity – it’s really inspiring.

Remember to update your tallies on and hand these ones out with pride in a job well done.”

A massive well done and huge thank you to you all for being the change 🐳 💓