SOCIABLE morsbagging

Sociable Guerilla Bagging is our tagline, so when we saw this heartwarming and true forum thread, we thought we’d share…

Hetty, a newish morsbagger in America said “I realized this morning at the grocery store that making morsbags and handing them out can create unexpected friendships. I offered one to the lady behind me in line, and she said, sure, you offered me one the other day too! And we ended up having a conversation about how she feeds stray cats and how I am from Europe…. What a bonus in this day and age!!”

Then Beattie, a morsbagger in Cornwall replied “We’ve found that morsbagging helps make friends too! I think it attracts lovely people in the first place, plus it gives you a reason to open a conversation with people you don’t know. Sewing together is a great meeting point and having company if you’re handing out morsbags in the street (the original distribution concept) makes it more fun.”

Anyone else had friendly, sociable interactions through morsbagging?
