35th International Morsbagging Weekend 18th/19th January?

Morsbags HomeForumsdates for diaries…35th International Morsbagging Weekend 18th/19th January?

This topic contains 71 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by beattie beattie 11 years, 1 month ago.

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    Yayyy!! Thanks Butterfly! 😀

    I came back with an interesting bit of information after looking at who’s been adding bags this weekend 😀 As well as people who have added to our running tally on this thread several pods who don’t chat on the forum have added bags. They are –
    Fancypants Pod – a solopoddist in Illinois, US “adding one bag at a time” – and they added one bag on each day of the International Morsbagging Weekend.
    Loopychriss is still beavering away and added 5 bags today – Hi Chris!! 😀 *waves*
    Fleckney Bees – if I recall correctly this is Sarah P & her mum – they added 51 bags – well done!
    O2 added 180 bags – another super haul from that group! Well done Maddie & team 😀




    Yes Fleckney Bees is Sarah P and her mum. They are bagging Sarah’s new road next weekend. I am so pleased that I can add on Offcut2’s bags to their tally myself now without having to bother Joby, but it is a bit complicated. I put them on their tally as they leave the house for events etc.

    Well done everyone!


    Wow! I loved reading through all that!! Well done everyone and love the numbers Beattie! Also love the idea of a morsbags race off (I’m not at all competitive either Beattie – it might be the Aries thing!) – Fancypants is a lovely lady called Joan in the USA who recently joined. Sorry I missed all the fun; was internet-less in Mexico but in the spirit of the weekend, posted some labels locally to a Mexican pod (sadly too far away for me to visit) so hope that counts for something. Can’t wait for the next one… as loved hearing about everyone’s weekend activities and totals 🙂


    Here are my bags from the weekend as promised…..




    • This reply was modified 11 years, 1 month ago by sazzie sazzie.

    BEE-U-TI-FUL bags Sazzie!! 😀 Such lovely colours and fabrics – they’re going to be SOOO popular! 😀


    Lovely bags Sazzie!

    Are they the ones going to Mr Sazzie’s school?

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 1 month ago by offcuts offcuts.

    Sorry to have missed all this. well done everyone.
    I’ve been out of action because of an operation,but my good
    friends in the Handcross Bag Lady pod have rallied round and are organising
    our pod meeting on Thursday. I will be back to normal in a couple of months
    and hope to make a spring onslaught on the stash of Skopos that Rosie brought
    down 🙂


    Tintin sorry to hear you’ve been out of action, take it easy and hopefully you’ll feel back to yourself soon.

    Thanks Beattie, can you tell I’m yearning for Spring? Offcuts, yes I think these will be destined for Mr Sazzies school.


    Oh dear, Tintin, I hope you’re better soon and back to all your usual activities. In the meantime, take care of yourself.

    Well done to all the other members of Handcross Bag Lady pod for taking up the reins and carrying on as usual. 😀 Do you think they’ll be up for a little handout on this coming Saturday? ❓

    Sazzie, I’m sure we’re ALL yearning for Spring!! How much more rain must we take??
    I expect you’re longing to get out in the garden & start planting your veggies. It’s too cold and too early to even start off stuff indoors at the moment though, I think as the little seedlings will get all long and leggy long before you can put them outside. I’ve just been tidying up as I missed it in the autumn. The weeds are growing well though!! 🙄 😕


    Sazzie – I love your bags, and the hooks they are hanging on. Gorgeous!

    Well done everybody for your sterling work. Sorry I didn’t make any bags over the big weekend but I am going to join in with the giveaway on Saturday by holding a morsbags workshop and giveaway in my new SHOP! Yes, exciting news – I am renting space in my friend Caroline’s vintage shop on Francis Street in Leicester, selling my handmade and vintage goodies! I also work there a couple of afternoons a week. We have been giving morsbags away since the shop opened in September but this will be the first ‘make or take a bag’ event. I have collected a nice selection of Offcuts 2 bags to give away and I will be making some more vintage style bags. Will take pics and post them after the event 🙂


    Nice one Waley!! Good luck with your new venture – I hope your shop works out well for you and your friend. I can just see you there, minding the shop and making goodies in between serving customers 😀

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