Woolsery Baggers

About this pod

Woolsery Baggers is a group of people in north Devon, who aim to meet once a month to sew, cut out bags,swap material etc.. Depending on how many can meet will depend on location. If you are unable to meet with us that month, you can still be involved by making a bag. Any Non sewers can still be involved by sourcing clean material or by helping to cut out and prepare bags. As well as making a small steps to make a difference we would like it to be as much a bit of social fun. A Morsbag has to have a label which cost 5p each. We have kindly approached Woolsery Post Office & Stores if we may have a donation tin for your 5ps and hope to start supplying and circulating a 'Made in Woolsery Morsbag'. So please get in touch if you are interested in helping or meeting up in anyway.


Woolsfardisworthy West
United Kingdom

25   total bags


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