Well, that was unexpected

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    Just back from a couple of days at a vintage rally.

    The thing is I let Beattie go to the dog show yesterday. Should be no problem, but then she came back with a prize in the “six legs class”. The thing is we don’t have a dog. Even worse it was only a third place!

    In today’s show show it seems she was made into a bollard for arguing with the judge.

    Still we did have a good time and the weather was great. Also made and gave out a few bags.

    We saw a cowboy making a bag on a hand crank machine (Singer) sadly not of the Mors type though.

    Beattie may have some pics



    The cowboy sewing –

    Cowboy sewing

    Cowboy's sewing machine

    “The Searchers” – cowboy/ western re-enactors were there and performed a number of little playlets that always ended with a shoot-out and almost everyone “dead”.

    Shoot out

    I think they like the bangs 😀

    My sewing spot

    Sewing at Mawla

    M/C got lucky….

    Frank gets lucky!
    on the tombola stall. He seemed strangely pleased with the dolphin plaque.

    Various vehicles came and went at random times during the weekend, some stayed an hour or so, some were there for the duration.

    Nice line-up

    There was a fun dog show – the highlight of each day!


    There was only one entrant for the dog in fancy dress on Sunday (I was invited to judge it on Saturday and chose the dog dressed as a sheep!) Believe it or not, this is a ladybird.


    The prize for best in show – a sack of dogfood

    Best in show, first prize

    Sunday featured a judo demonstration


    And a duck-herding demo – that’s when I became a bollard for a while

    Running ducks, running


    Duck success, bollard's eye view

    What’s that? You want to know how I got a prize in the dog show, without a dog?? The organiser/ judge announced the next category “the best six legs”. He announced it once, twice, three times and nobody stepped forward, so I got up, carried my plastic chair into the ring and paid my £1 entry fee. Eventually a couple of dogs and their owners arrived. They had been busy donning matching socks – on themselves and the dogs, so were late joining in. I reckon the garish socks did it – if only I’d had a couple of pairs for my chair I reckon we’d have been in with a chance of first place!! 😉

    butterfly bags
    butterfly bags

    Lovely photos and write up.
    I am really laughing at the dog show adventure! well done with your third prize. You will know to be more prepared next time!
    Loving the dolphin plaque.


    Love it M/C and Beattie! What a masterstroke the six legs entry. You are right of course. If you had only gone prepared with matching socks for the chair you would have won.


    Love the yellow waistcoat! Grumpy has one of those!!


    The guy in the yellow waistcoat has quite a collection of classic and unusual cars – he comes along and stays for a while, then arrives the next day in a different one.

    This is the car he brought on Sunday, when he was wearing the matching waistcoat.


    Nice, eh?



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