Seam allowance etc.

Morsbags HomeForumsvariations on a morsbagSeam allowance etc.

This topic contains 17 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by beattie beattie 9 years, 10 months ago.

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    Hi Tarrogan ,

    I must admit that when I first started sewing morsbags I used to worry that my seams were too big, too small, or that I was putting the handles in wrong…. In truth it doesn’t really matter as long as the bag is strong and useable, and that there’s a label on it.
    Have you watched the video that Offcuts posted? It really is a case of a picture saves a 1000 words….. Do what feel comfortable / right for you…. Good luck x


    Yay, made it!

    I settled in the end for a non-directional pattern and used a bottom fold (as it were ☺️)

    OK it’s not perfect, and this is my perfectionist streak emerging, as the label is not exactly parallel to the side seam, so I guess my side seam allowance must have gone a bit awry, and I’m not happy with the stitching on the handles… But as Sazzie says it’s useable and that’s what’s important.

    And I have another three cut out (from the same duvet cover, of course), pressed and ready to sew, so plenty more to practise on. And hopefully by number four I’ll have it cracked.


    Well done Tarragon, you’ve made a functional bag! Don’t worry about the odd wonky label, we all have some of those. It was a good plan to start out with non-directional fabric. One thing I do if I don’t think I can get the label on straight, or if the fabric has a design that will show up any wonkiness, is to sew the label on at a bold diagonal! 😀

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