New bagger here

Morsbags HomeForumswelcome new podsNew bagger here

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by beattie beattie 3 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #41966

    Hi all

    I’m new to morsbagging but not to sewing bags!
    I am on my own in the middle of Ireland and would love to be part of a group as I love sewing and will do it all day long but the idea of approaching strangers even to give them something free bothers me! The mentality I have encountered is one of apathy and ‘why bother’.
    I’m about to order labels and set up my pod so my bags count to the total.
    How can I go about finding people!!!!

    I have other questions but I”l put them in the correct areas of the forum.

    Looking forward to sewing!!!


    Hi Emma
    WElcome to Morsbagging

    I hope you got your labels now – I sent them out at the end of April
    Re pods in Ireland, if you look on the Home page, and click on Pods, you will see a map, showing locations of all the pods There are several in Ireland. Just click on each one for details
    Happy bagging

    Anne Admin – label dispatcher


    Thank you Anne !! *hugs* 🙂

    Welcome Emma. I hope that when we can return to a more normal life we will all be able to take on giving away morsbags again. In the meantime we could be building up stocks for a celebratory handout.

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