Miss Evie (aged 3 and a 1/4) has recently become more interested in mummy’s sewing as I’ve my moved my sewing machine into the playroom so that we can reclaim our dining table for mealtimes, and so that it has a permanent home.
We’ve been confined to the house this week as we’ve both been struck down with conjunctivitis , so no nursery or ballet, much to Miss Evie’s disgust. On Friday my mum very kindly dropped some shopping in for us but horror of horrors brought it in a plastic bag…. After the initial excitement of seeing nana Miss Evie put on her serious face and said ‘nana we don’t allow plastic bags in this house, they are bad for the animals, where are your bags that mummy made you?’ … (In fairness my mum is very good and hardly ever forgets her morsbags)…. Result – one nana reprimanded by her granddaughter and one proud mummy.
Then last night Miss Evie was playing with her dolls house with Mr Sazzie before bedtime…. All of the little people have names chosen by Miss Evie and one of her little people is called ‘Rosie’ aka Offcuts….. This is what I witnessed…
‘Offcuts’ knocked on the door of the dolls house. ‘Old John’ answered the door (old John was being played by mr Sazzie, Offcuts by Miss Evie)
Offcuts – hello Old John, are you going to be home later?
Old John – yes
Offcuts – ok then, I’m going home now to make you some bags with flowers on them, see you later’
Old John- bye bye.