Morsbagging at Coastal Valley again

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by beattie beattie 6 years, 5 months ago.

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    Tanya and Andy run a cosy, natural campsite offering craft sessions with different experts and artists, which attracts lovely families. They have a super, bright craft tent (we think it must be a new one, seems bigger than last year) and plenty of tables to make stuff on.

    We went along last Thursday to sew morsbags with the campers and made 13 bags altogether. We left some bags with T&A to distribute to people via the little site shop.

    Bagging at Coastal Valley 16_8_18

    Now we’re looking forward to doing it all again next Thursday with another batch of happy campers, though it would be nice not to meet the speeding van on our side of the winding lane on the way there again.


    What a great team you are. Sounds like a lovely campsite! Hope you got there safely this time x


    Thank you Sarah!
    We went to Coastal Valley again in each of the last two weeks, finding different campers every time. We made nine bags on 23rd August

    Venetia with one of the cat bags 23_8_18

    Recently I’ve been amusing myself appliqueing different motifs onto plain bags, using gorgeous curtain fabric samples which are too small and stiff to make into bags. The ones with cat motifs were very popular!

    And we made fourteen bags this week. We met several more lovely families with children of all ages. I was amazed by the concentration displayed by the first customer of the week, a little three year old who turned the handle for her mum who did the steering. She was a bit cautious at first (good idea!) but soon got the hang of it and was brilliant at stopping immediately when required. I find that most really small children get bored before the bag is complete, but this little one was still engaged and interested right to the end.

    Pick a morsbags kit to sew

    Lots of people making morsbags

    We were too busy to take many photos until we had nearly finished our session, but I did manage this snap of one happy camper, a member of the last family of the day to sew.

    Coastal Valley customer

    Fortunately, we didn’t encounter any more reckless drivers on Cornwall’s narrow twisting lanes, so had no more near-death experiences while travelling to Newquay!


    A couple more photos from Tanya.

    Tanya's photo 2 29_8

    Tanya's photo 1 29_8

    Sorry about the very variable size of the photos!

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