Giving away Morsbags

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by beattie beattie 7 years, 1 month ago.

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    Hi Melissa! I’m so pleased you found morsbags and have been able to use your daughter’s bolts of cloth to make them. What is the name of your pod?

    You’re not alone in finding it difficult to do the classic “guerrilla bagging”. One morsbag maker I know of distributes their bags at regular church book sales. Other pods have been able to give them to local food banks to use. I have no problem with you including a morsbag with purchases with your Etsy shop and at craft shows. You could gradually expand at the craft shows by handing a morsbag to anyone who would like one, regardless of purchase.

    Do you have any small independent shops locally? Maybe one of them would like to give out bags for you, provided they understand that they must not be sold, and are to be given to anyone who needs one.

    Well done, there are lots of ways of getting morsbags out there!


    My journey in making Morsbags started when my daughter had to close her tailor shop. She had bolts of fabric that she did not want to go to waste. She taught me to sew by introducing me to Morsbags. I have been sewing them for almost a year with plenty of fabric left to keep me busy for a while. My one dilemma is giving them away. I am a little shy about that. I have given them to family and friends but that is all I can manage.
    My daughter came up with an idea. She and I have a business where we reclaim yarn from discarded sweaters and sell it on Etsy and at local craft shows. With each sale, we put the yarn in a Morsbag with literature about the Morsbag concept. This makes me feel better.
    Can anyone else relate to this?


    Whoops, sorry Melissa! I managed to reverse the order of our posts. Every day is a learning day, I won’t do that again!


    Double post! Derr…..

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by beattie beattie.

    My pod name is The Taylors Needle Community, in Idaho, USA. I like your idea of giving them away to passersby at the craft shows. I might be able to do that. 🙂


    That’s great! I’d noticed The Taylor’s Needle Community adding bags regularly, you’re doing a wonderful job. Please do keep us updated about how you get on distributing morsbags at craft shows, or other places you use.

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