First Morsbag made …

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by Krisaby Krisaby 9 years, 4 months ago.

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    Anne-Marie Hill
    Anne-Marie Hill

    Who knew that making my first morsbag would take so long … yesterday morning I measured, cut and ironed the pieces for my first morsbag. Then sat at the sewing machine to sew. After removing the walking foot (should have left it on!) I discovered that the shank on my machine had broken. Made a quick phone call to the sewing machine and fabric/yarn shop in High Wycombe. Drove there to purchase replacement part (hubby paid – love him), and finallay sat down to sew at 1pm – 2 and a half hours after all the cutting and ironing.
    I was so into things that I made 2 and have several more cut out and waiting. Will need to find more fabric soon. (Might even get someone to share this with me – South Bucks Bags.)


    Well done Hilly! That was a difficult start – how unfortunate that your sewing machine had a problem. Still 10/10 for persistence!! I’m sure the next lot of bags will take a lot less time and determination to get done 😀

    And thanks to Mr Hilly for his help too! 😉


    Well done Hilly! Lots of us have had starts like that and are still here churning them out!

    I keep a walking foot on one of our machines just to use on shiney and thick fabrics but it does clank a bit and is a bit slower.

    Good luck and thank you for joining us 🙂


    Well done Hilly – and Mr Hilly! Good for you not to be discouraged at that daunting start. At least making all the next lot of bags will not be quite so challenging, or I hope it won’t!

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