Embroidered Labels

This topic contains 11 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by Kathy Kennedy Kathy Kennedy 6 years, 2 months ago.

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    Is anyone doing their own embroidered labels? I’ve prepared several designs on my software and like stitching them out directly on the bag.


    I don’t have a machine that’s clever enough to do that quiltdyer. I used to know a lady who made morsbags for a while who did the same as you – and she also made plain bags more interesting with embroidered motifs.

    Do you have some photos to show us? You’ll need to upload the photos to a website like flickr.com (which is the one I use, others may work as well). Or do you use facebook? There’s a big presence of morsbaggers on there. If you do you could paste a link for us to see them.


    Beattie, this link takes you to my East Coast Morsbags album on Google Photos.

    East Coast Morsbags

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by Avatar quiltdyer.

    Quiltdyer, thanks for the link Those bags are beauties, and I like the embroidered labels too! You’ve been very productive in just 2 months. I love the one with the Christmas tree fairy – it’ll be very popular for wrapping presents.


    Thanks Beattie!

    Kathy Kennedy
    Kathy Kennedy

    I have experimented with embroidering the words onto bags a few times on my sewing machine, not nearly as lovely as Quiltdyer’s labels. My machine has one font, and it’s all caps, but it gets it on there. I put ” MORSBAGS.COM” — going forward, I guess I would use “MORSBAGS.ORG” when doing this. Usually I sew the labels on. Nice work, Quiltdyer!

    –Kathy, Earthlings pod


    Hi Kathy of Earthlings pod, thank you. 🙂
    I’m so glad to hear you are also embroidering labels, and I’m not the only one. Can we see a picture? I’m sure your labels look good, and as you say, they get the job done. Mine take a little time to stitch out, but I can walk away. Just need to change thread colour and then trim the extra thread at the end. I’m not very good at sewing the labels on, so that’s why I like to stitch them right on the bags.

    Morsbags.org and .com seem to be inter-changeable here, but when I saw the ones I ordered were .org, I changed mine.

    Kathy Kennedy
    Kathy Kennedy

    Ha ha, it has been quite a while since I embroidered the words onto a bag. You bringing up the idea has got me thinking about it again. I have only embroidered a few.

    As for attaching the labels, for me it is helpful to tape the label onto the bag before sewing, stopping of course to remove the tape as I make my way around the rectangle. I like to use a zigzag stitch for sewing on the label. At first, I would always switch to white thread for the label, then I took a good look at photos that Crafty Foxes posted, showing colored thread on the labels, and I really admired the look. Now I use the same thread on the label as I use on the rest of the bag.

    Each of our bags really are unique!


    Kathy, we find it helpful to use a stripe of a tacky stick glue (one brand here is Pritt Stick, others are available) on the back of the label to stop it slipping around, especially if it’s on a slippery fabric or one where a little wonkiness would show up. Don’t try to get glue on the edges of the label – this might make the needle sticky too if it gets glue on it, and it’s only there to hold the label for a short time.

    I often sew bags with contrasting thread and it looks good if it’s the same one round the label, especially if you can use a decorative stitch.


    Beattie I was going to mention that to Kathy but you are able to explain it better than I could. I find that method excellent for the labels from morsbags, and they stitch on easily. I will try some with coloured thread.

    My difficulty is with the raw edges of handmade labels – either tedious pressing under edges or zig zag that never looks quite right to me. Embroidering right on the bags before putting the handles on is working well.

    Kathy each one is certainly unique, even the ones made with the same fabric turn out slightly different. That’s the beauty of hand made!


    It’s Crafty Foxes here from Whissybags – I just use pins to keep the label on while I machine; two at the top and one on the bottom. Doesn’t get any easier than that. I’m glad you like my coloured zig-zag thread, it makes it quicker than changing thread colour just for the label. I am quite picky as to what colour thread I use though, I always try and match it to the fabric.

    Kathy Kennedy
    Kathy Kennedy

    Crafty Foxes, I also like the thread color to be just right — maybe that’s why I admired your work so much! However, some others are creative enough to make the mis-matched thread look fabulous. It’s great that we have so many styles among us all.

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