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This topic contains 17 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by beattie 5 years, 2 months ago.
January 4, 2020 at 11:24 pm #26215
3355 morsbags were made in December 2019 and
100 active pods added morsbags to the worldwide tally
In alphabetical order they are –
Alwyn’s Pod
Amersham & Little Chalfont
Athens Sakoúles
Baggers of Gowerton
Basingstoke bags
Bella Napoli
Bembridge TG Baggers
Brigg Bag Bandits
Broadland Bag Lady
Bude Baggers
Burghfield Morsbags
Busy Bees
Butterfly Bags
Calne Springs Bags
Claire Bear Morsbags
Coastal Dunes
Coffee and socks
Darting Frog
Die Nähdamen
Erlegh Oaks
First State Pod
Fraser Valley Morsbags
GT Bags
Harborough Morsbags
Kountry Kittens
Kreative Koepfe
Library Pod
Maddie’s Grannies
Made in Quarry Bank
mary’s pod
Millom school textiles
Momma Bear Creates
Morsbags Ehime
Niffy Bags
Olney pod
Pickering Morsbaggers
Plastic Free Bingley
Poppy and the Piglet
Roberts & Rose
Sally South Bags
Salty Sea Bags
Save Everything
Saving sea life
Science stitcher
Settle Age UK
Sewing by the Poel
Sewing Nan
SheilaMatilda Bags
ShellB Re-Made @ Scrap Shack
South Gwent Pod
Staffordshire Stitchers
Stitch Buffalo
Stitchers Coven
Suzies @ Plas Dur
The Bag Brigade
The Bag Bubble
The Bay
The Chickadeez (and friends)
The old bag
TLT Morsbaggers
upcycling is fun
Upper Wreake
Wantage Pod
Welly Fabric Hoarders
Whetstone Whales
White Gecko
ZebediahsHearty congratulations to Darting Frog pod on reaching 2000 morsbags made by New Year’s Eve.
I’m thinking of you in Victoria, Australia, keep safe!Also congratulations to Lesley of Day-Light pod on reaching her target of 500 morsbags made this year. They are given out in the village shop, and Lesley’s aim for 2019 was to make 10 bags a week to give the shop a regular supply.
20 new pods registered this month
Roberts & Rose
Stitches Super Stitchers
Alwyn’s Pod
Sew Fabrics Morsbags
Brigg Bag Bandits
Maddie’s Grannies
Save Everything
Love Craft
Blythe Hill
Marys’ Patch
Science stitcher
Salty Sea Bags
RMC Morsbaggers
Stitch BuffaloAs usual, double kudos to pods appearing on BOTH lists – you get extra congratulations for getting started!
Interesting comments
South Gwent Pod have been making morsbags since June 2015.
“Great news, the pod has made over 300 bags. We’re loving converting cast offs into nice bags and giving them away. More sewers are coming on board all the time. Very excited to see The Make Spot in Chepstow has started a pod too, watch for a second special Morsbag make day there soon, probably around Mothers Day. At the last one in November 20 bags and a number of Morsbag addicts were created. Thanks everyone, fantastic work.”
Congratulations to Q4CL2019 pod. They registered in May of this year to make morsbags to distribute this Christmas, and smashed the target number! 😀
“Making bags for care leavers attending a Lemn Sissay (now Gold From the Stone) Foundation Christmas Day dinner to carry home their quilty hug made by the members of Quilts for Care Leavers, and for use for their shopping, laundry or whatever.”
I hope you all had a fantastic Christmas together.Salty Sea Bags say “For the sociably waste conscious wanting to make and cake.”
That’s morsbags in a nutshell! 😀Stitch Buffalo joined us on New Year’s Eve and has already starting adding morsbags to the global tally.
“Stitch Buffalo is a textile arts center serving the refugee women of Buffalo, NY—and the community at large. We offer classes and upcycled sewing supplies from our sustainability-minded studio/store on Niagara Street (West Side neighborhood).”
Welcome to all new pods and well done to everyone who made a morsbag (or many morsbags) during 2019.
January 5, 2020 at 4:56 pm #26230Pretty good total for a very busy month
Label orders slowed down a bit, but coming thick and fast now the holiday is overJanuary 6, 2020 at 9:42 am #26252That’s good news about the labels, Ivybags!
I haven’t done a report on the year as a whole yet, but we often notice a bumper crop of morsbags made in January. I put it down to “deferred making” by regular morsbaggers who’ve been too busy in the run-up to Christmas, and “New Year’s Resolutioners” who add a bumper crop.
Any other suggestions why there’s a surge in the number of morsbags added to the tally in January?
January 7, 2020 at 1:41 pm #26296Since August 2019 my friend and I have made over 220 bags in South Florida (pod: Bella Napoli). She runs a vacation rental company and places a bag in each home with the basket of necessities that is provided for each new tenant. We get some great recyclable fabrics in our local resale shops!!
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January 8, 2020 at 9:47 am #26328Hetty, how nice to hear from you!
I’ve certainly noticed that your pod, Bella Napoli, is consistently active. 😀
Hardly a day goes past without a new bag (or several) being added by your pod – good work. What a great way of spreading the morsbags idea far and wide, people come to you and take their bag home with them. Have you had repeat visitors bringing their morsbag back with them to show off how much they’ve used it yet?January 8, 2020 at 10:25 am #26330Thank you, no it has been too soon to expect repeat visitors, but that is certainly something we will look for!
January 8, 2020 at 5:41 pm #26338You can never have too many Morsbags !
January 9, 2020 at 10:37 pm #26391We agree with that Ivybags! we’re still using some that I made about a decade ago. 🙂
January 11, 2020 at 3:21 pm #26460I think that people make lots of Morsbags in January for several reasons. As you say, after December being too busy to get much sewing done, we are keen to hit the ground running in the new year. Also, the weather is rubbish so we probably spend more time at home. Add to that, many of us are skint after Christmas so it’s a nice, free activity that feels like you are doing a good thing!! 😂
Ive just spent 2 days having a big post Christmas clear out and tidy up. This involved sorting out a huge pile of morsbag fabric and cutting it out so I’ve got a nice pile of kits all ready to sew in the next few weeks!January 11, 2020 at 9:29 pm #26500Thanks Toria! Some excellent explanations there – as you say, making morsbags is a satisfying occupation when the weather is not inviting.
January 11, 2020 at 11:41 pm #26503Hi Beattie
I’m trying to add to my tally and the website won’t allow it. I can add to the other pods I keep tally for, just not Monty Morsbags. Can you tell me who to contact about it?
Many thanks. Ann (Monty Morsbags)January 12, 2020 at 10:12 pm #26524Hi Ann! You need to contact Joe on I’m sure he’ll be able to sort this out.
January 24, 2020 at 12:45 pm #27068Is there going to be a January segment? Just asking…..
I realized this morning at the grocery store that making morsbags and handing them out can create unexpected friendships. I offered one to the lady behind me in line, and she said, sure, you offered me one the other day too! And we ended up having a conversation about how she feeds stray cats and how I am from Europe…. What a bonus in this day and age!!January 24, 2020 at 8:12 pm #27087How nice to hear from you Hetty! We’ve found that morsbagging helps make friends too! I think it attracts lovely people in the first place, plus it gives you a reason to open a conversation with people you don’t know. Sewing together is a great meeting point and having company if you’re handing out morsbags in the street (the original distribution concept) makes it more fun.
By the way, distributing morsbags in any legal manner is fine! Favourite methods are – giving them away to friends and relatives, handing them out at book sales, in small shops by arrangement with the shop owner, leaving them for people to find (perhaps with a sign saying “Help Yourself”). There are so many ways of getting morsbags into peoples’ hands.
There will be an update for January, Hetty. I’ll write it in early February, when all the data is collected.
I’ve been meaning to write a summary for all of 2019 too, but that takes a lot of collating numbers for the whole year.January 25, 2020 at 3:10 pm #27098The lady I gave a bag to at the Farmer’s market this morning chased me down, asked ‘is this your company’. I explained it was a worldwide organization, and she replied ‘I will publicize your organization on my social media’. WOOT! Here is hoping she is a major ‘influencer’! 🙂
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