Any upcoming giveaways?

Morsbags HomeForumsdates for diaries…Any upcoming giveaways?

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by beattie beattie 9 years ago.

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    Hi all,
    ages since I’ve been on here but I’m currently trying to sort out my craft room and rather than getting rid of fabric that I had collected for Morsbagging I am determined to use it for bags. My issue is that once I have made them I have no outlet for them. I tried a while ago and found a stallholder at the local farmers market who would take them. Sadly, the farmers market has folded and none of the local retailers or farm shops that I approached would have them. So my question is, does anyone need any bags for upcoming giveaways? I’ve sent them on to people in the past when I was struggling to shift them and am happy to do it again.


    Hi dmbags! I’m pleased to hear that you intend to make up the fabric you’ve collected. For me it’s one of the great things about morsbags that we take stuff that would have been thrown away and make it useful again. 😀

    I will be giving away bags on 8th May at a street festival in a village near me, but are you really sure that you want to post them? It might be quite expensive. I’m absolutely amazed that no market stalls or independent shops near you will give away free bags – usually they are only too keen to take as many as possible.

    Other places that morsbaggers use to distribute bags are charity book sales (think local church halls….), local offices – good for people to borrow a bag for a lunch run or little bit of lunchtime shopping, and if they want to keep the bag that’s fine. I recently distributed about 60 bags in a local car park – I just hung them on wing mirrors and tucked them under door handles.

    Just before Christmas one year we needed the space in our spare bedroom and had to get rid of lots of bags fast, so we went to a local housing estate and pushed a bag through every letter box. It took an afternoon, but I still see people in that area using their morsbags.

    The original concept for distributing bags is “guerrilla bagging” – could you get together with a friend or two and give them away at your local shops? It’s quite legal to give people presents in the street! 😀

    I hope you manage to find someone to help with distribution – maybe a morsbagger (or a friend or relative of one) will be visiting your area (East Yorkshire) some time? Fingers crossed!


    Hi dmbags. We give away about 200 morsbags per week all to different places. One idea would be a foodbank. Nearly every church has a foodbank these days and they are all desperate for re-usable bags. You could just drop them off at your local Salvation Army saying they are for the foodbank.


    Hi Beattie, I honestly don’t have the time to find places. I work full time and my spare time is taken already with various making activities. Putting them through letterboxes isn’t an option on this estate, I’d be pilloried, a solitary Avon book is enough to set them off around here! The foodbank is an option I hadn’t and probably wouldn’t have considered. I know who to contact on this so will be on it today. Thanks for that suggestion Offcuts. I’ll let you know how I get on.


    That’s good news, I’m sure your local foodbank would be delighted to have morsbags to use instead of plastic bags.

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