We were very proud and honoured to be invited to provide morsbags for the festive parcels distributed by the Bridge Charity in Loughborough. Here are some photos that the organiser kindly sent after the morsbags had been packed with food and provisions for people down on their luck at this festive time. I am hoping that there were enough morsbags for the hard working volunteers as well!
That’s marvellous, Offcuts! Food banks do a great job for people in difficulties, and I love the photos, particularly the one of all the filled bags lined up so colourfully! I too hope the volunteers got a bag each too. I’m sure that if they missed out this time they will be able to have one in the New Year.
Thank you M/C and Beattie. The volunteers are hoping to make their own morsbags for the festive parcels next year with our guidance. I shall recommend they start in about august. My Brocks Hill morsbaggers will tell you I always believe in starting early!
We supply morsbags for 4 food banks and what I like they are always very grateful and never put me under pressure. The organisers are always pleased to receive whatever we can supply. The Red Cross near the Resource Centre even gave us parking spots, as did the Sikh temple and the stair lift company!
This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by offcuts.
Another lovely idea carried off beautifully! The recipients of those bags of goodies will feel a warm glow. What a great surprise when you are practically at your wits end to have your food presented in a pretty and useful bag. They will be so greatly appreciated. Well done you and your brilliant team!
I have since had an email saying there were enough morsbags for all the festive parcels and for all the kind volunteers seen packing in the first photo.