Protection Of Your Term Paper
So four, five or six years of a fun and eventful student life flew by. Now is the time to show what you have learned over the years. It is necessary to pass state exams and defend a term paper. The term paper has already been written, by yourself or write my papers, saved and modified three hundred times on a computer and removable media. Behind many hours of work, trips to libraries, maybe liters of coffee drunk. The supervisor gives the go-ahead for the final printout. And there are some subtleties here.
On the eve of protection
The hardest part is over. Firstly, you need to make two copies of the work (sometimes individual faculties and institutes require three): one copy is deposited (and your younger comrades can then steal your sacred thoughts from it), one is given to the official reviewer for reading, and if there is a third , it is given for review by the commission. The last two copies can be returned to you later. Secondly, the copy that remains at the university must be bound. This is done most often in commercial offices including that provides academic writing help. The color of the cover, which changes every year, is communicated by the faculty management in advance, and it is mandatory. The same ones that are given to teachers can simply be left in a folder-binder.
Thirdly, it is necessary to completely write the text of the speech and rehearse (edit) it so that, at a not too high tempo, it will be kept within ten minutes. This text should also briefly describe the essence of the work, its main theses. And, as with the defense of the coursework, one must be prepared for the fact that harmful members of the attestation commission will ask all sorts of questions). Go over all the points with writers from before you declare the paper ready. And finally, this day comes - the defense of the term paper. On this day, just like before the exam, you need to sleep well. It is better to leave your home or hostel early if you like to be late, and at the same time it is better to be well dressed. It is better for guys to wear a business suit with a jacket, girls should also stick to a business style. It is still better for girls to refuse high heels, since they are very uncomfortable in them, their legs will get very tired. A pleasant appearance in itself will win over the members of the commission.
And you also need to leave early because you will have to cover the "clearing" or, at least, decorate the office in which the defense will take place (all at the expense of students, but, fortunately, there are many of you on the stream). The teachers themselves speak about this in advance. For example, in some places, contrary to tradition, it is not customary to cover the "meadow", and this is exactly what you will be warned about.
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